Chiron House Calculator

Chiron house calculator
By inputting your date, time, and place of birth—just as you do for your zodiac sign—you can see which sign and house Chiron was in when you were born. That is your Chiron placement.
Where is Chiron on my chart?
In a regular birth chart, your Chiron sign is listed between Pluto and Black Moon Lilith. Your Chiron sign might be labeled with a "House" instead of a sign. Each House relates to a different sign in the zodiac, with the 1st representing Aries and the 12th representing Pisces.
What is my Chiron placement mean?
Chiron is a minor planet that can have a major impact on an astrology reading. Also known as the "wounded healer," Chiron's placement in your natal chart reveals a core wound that may take a lifetime to work through.
How long is Chiron in a house?
Because Chiron has an irregular orbit of approximately 50 years, it stays in a zodiac sign for approximately 4 years, which means it's very likely you'll share a Chiron placement with those in your peer group. Ultimately, what your Chiron placement will reveal is how you can transform pain into power in your life.
How do you read Chiron in natal chart?
Chiron in our natal charts points to where we have healing powers as the result of our own deep spiritual wounds. We may over-compensate in these areas of life. Chiron, as a wounded healer, first must face issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues.
What does Chiron in 7th house mean?
Chiron in Capricorn represents a fear or insecurity of professional success and recognition. In the 7th House, it can indicate someone who needs to feel wholly admired by their significant other. They may feel they need to be the “breadwinner” or the person who brings in the most money to stabilize the partnership.
What is the symbol for Chiron?
Centaurs. The symbol for the centaur Chiron, ⚷, is both a key and a monogram of the letters O and K (for 'Object Kowal', a provisional name of the object, for discoverer Charles T.
What is my Chiron return?
Known as your Chiron Return, it's not unlike your Saturn Return but typically arrives between the age of 46 and 52 and is an opportunity to heal.
What planet is Chiron ruled by?
Chiron is classified as a centaur, the first of a class of objects orbiting between the outer planets. Chiron is a Saturn–Uranus object because its perihelion lies in Saturn's zone of control and its aphelion lies in that of Uranus.
What does it mean Chiron in 11th house?
You may have experienced limitations or misunderstandings about your way of acting and being. A certain feeling of disappointment is also expected when you realize that life is not meeting your expectations or that you need to fit into something, which is limiting in your opinion.
What does Chiron in 10th house mean?
Chiron at House 10 It also suggests some difficulties in setting and achieving goals and managing career autonomy, taking a little longer to discover your true vocation and gain recognition. The healing process usually begins when you develop your self-esteem and feel successful.
What does Chiron in 6th house mean?
Chiron at House 6 The pain eventually can come through your need to control and organize things around you. Health can also bring (or have brought) some possible complicated experiences, such as treatments throughout childhood, for example.
How do I heal my Chiron placement?
The key to healing the Chiron wound is in not only learning to trust ourselves with whatever we feel is lacking, but to also embrace our sensitivity and find beauty in our imperfections.
How often does your Chiron change?
Chiron takes about four years to move from sign to sign, although it spends 7 to 8 years in Aries and Pisces and only one to two years in Virgo and Libra.
How long was Chiron in Pisces?
Chiron, the celestial body that is known as “the wounded healer,” will join Neptune in Pisces from February 8, 2011 through February 18, 2019.
What number is associated with Chiron?
Chiron was discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles Kowal and classified as an asteroid with the number 2060.
What is Chiron 3rd house?
If Chiron is in Gemini or your third house, you may find it difficult to speak your truth. "In a past life, this person may have been hurt for expressing their views," says Benson. To find healing, she adds, know that communication is important to your soul's evolution and practice it whenever possible.
Which zodiac signs are healers?
THESE are the 4 healers of zodiac signs
- Pisces. Pisceans are very intuitive and empathetic.
- Virgo. Virgos are often considered to be the best healer of all zodiac signs. ...
- Scorpio. Scorpion is a talented healer who is determined, focused and reliable.
What does Chiron in the 8th house mean?
Chiron at House 8 Experiences with your religiosity, with the occult, or with concepts of spirituality can bring understanding and relief at different times, especially if you use such knowledge in an attempt to heal the wounds of others. learn more about the meaning of Chiron in Astrology.
What God is Chiron?
Chiron, in Greek mythology, one of the Centaurs, the son of the Titan Cronus and Philyra, an Oceanid or sea nymph. Chiron lived at the foot of Mount Pelion in Thessaly. Unlike other Centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine.
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