Scorpio In Mercury Woman

Scorpio in mercury woman
Secretive, Passionate, and Exacting One of the quietest Mercuries has a Scorpio placement. They are the type of Mercury that likes to sink their head into the pages of a manual and get things done. Nothing Mercury in Scorpio says or does is superfluous.
What is a Scorpio Mercury attracted to?
They make good confidants and love juicy mysteries. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac." Mercury Scorpios ruminate on the intense and mysterious. Many are drawn to the threshold experiences of death and sex.
Are Scorpios jealous of Mercury?
Jealousy and possessiveness are hallmarks of Scorpio's wrath. For those prone to either, you might want to be weary as to not lash out before you have all the facts. Try to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Is Mercury in Scorpio strong?
Mercury in Scorpio is an intense placement. It carries a lot of passion and a lot of energy: if you are not careful, it might be destructive. You can be domineering, combative, brutally honest in your verbal self-expression, what others might find overwhelming.
How do I talk to a Mercury Scorpio?
Mercury in Scorpio "They prefer deep conversations, nothing shallow or surface," says Lang. "They want to know your secrets. They are intuitive as well, and they pick up on every nuance in a conversation, including body language. They're as concerned with what you're not saying as what you are saying."
How intuitive are Scorpios?
Scorpios are emotional and have sharp intuitive powers Because a Scorpio never lacks depth, they're seriously in touch with their own emotions and those of others. This intuitive feature can be unsettling for those who can't handle it (sometimes, in practice, it can feel like straight-up mind reading).
What does Mercury mean in astrology?
In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, memory, and transportation. Your Mercury sign influences all these traits, like whether you're a triple texter, if you use an Excel spreadsheet to plan every weekend trip or just ~go with the flow~, and which Wikipedia pages you spend hours reading.
What planet rules Scorpio?
Ruling Planet: Pluto Scorpio, you have a dark side. Maybe this is because you're ruled by Pluto, the small but mighty planet orbiting farthest from the sun. Pluto is associated with darkness, the subconscious, death and rebirth.
Are Scorpios investigators?
Equally, Scorpio will intensely investigate the psyches of others, seeking to discover their motivations and dark secrets. They are the detectives of the zodiac and can often be found in positions where research or detective-like work is required.
Are Scorpios smart Mercury?
The natives of Mercury in Scorpio are individuals with very distinct and mysterious personalities. They are very sensitive and intelligent. They perceive little things about everything and they form judgements by observing things around them. They are very good observers.
What does Scorpio Venus like?
When Venus is in Scorpio. Venus is about relationships, and is sociable, friendly, and affectionate. Scorpio is about passion, and likes to dive headfirst into love. This means we'll crave meaningful and intense experiences when Venus is in Scorpio.
Is Mercury in Gemini smart?
Even though sometimes this puts them in trouble, they enjoy what they are and how they are. A Mercury in Gemini makes them witty, brainy, intellectual, wise, smart, and most importantly, ready to adopt changes throughout their life.
Is Mercury retrograde in Scorpio?
SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 21) At the onset of the Mercury retrograde phase you could feel like your anxiety, frustration and insecurity is all over place! You may be obsessing about closure or baggage—especially until the 23rd.
How does retrograde affect Scorpios?
However, it also begins at 8 degrees Libra, which is the Scorpio degree, adding a shade of intensity and passion to this retrograde experience. Make no mistake—this retrograde is forcing you to wade through the muck of your relationship trauma and come out of it stronger and more prepared to embrace a deeper love.
What does the Mercury retrograde mean for a Scorpio?
Mercury Retrograde for a Scorpio – (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21) You have a Mercury Retrograde in your Sign, Scorpio, which means that you must be prepared to work with it in order to promote yourself and your agenda in the most efficient way possible.
Are Scorpios good communicators?
Scorpios might be one of the best communicators in the bunch, as they not only focus on verbal communication, but non-verbal as well (via Your Tango). They are known for being the most perceptive out of the zodiacs, and can easily pick up someone's tone, inflection, and body language.
Which planet is talkative?
Mercury is the master of speech. It is related with earth element. Mercury is important when it is present in lagna, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 10th house. 2nd house mercury makes a person talkative.
How do you impress Mercury?
Mint, wheat, and barley are particularly powerful in increasing the strength of Mercury in your horoscope.
- Green foods and beverages help counteract weak Mercury's effects on your digestive and nervous systems.
- Some astrologers suggest cutting meat and alcohol from your diet if you're suffering from weak Mercury.
Do Scorpios have a 6th sense?
2. They Have A Psychic Sixth Sense. Scorpios have a hard exterior, but deep down, they're sensitive to even the most subtle shifts in energy. These intuitive feelers are highly observant, so they can easily pick up on people's moods, moves, and motivations — which gives them an eerily psychic sixth sense.
What makes Scorpio happy?
They appreciate it when people are straight up with them and do not shy away from the tough discussions. Open and honest conversations are ideal for Scorpios. They are happiest when they can fully trust those around them to always tell the truth.
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